Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day 

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, which originally started out as Decoration Day. It began as a way to remember and honor those that died fighting America’s Civil War.

But people raised in the South will tell you there was nothing civil about brother fighting brother. Instead, they refer to it as the War Between the States.

Memorial Day has become a day we remember and celebrate all our fallen American soldiers. 

However you spend your weekend, happy Memorial Day.

Pictured: Flags flying over the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Fernley (Lyon County.)Happy Memorial Day

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, which originally started out as Decoration Day. It began as a way to remember and honor those that died fighting America’s Civil War.

But people raised in the South will tell you there was nothing civil about brother fighting brother. Instead, they refer to it as the War Between the States.

Memorial Day has become a day we remember and celebrate all our fallen American soldiers.

However you spend your weekend, happy Memorial Day.

Pictured: Flags flying over the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Fernley (Lyon County.)