Put a Fence Where?
They say January is the mental wellness month.
The holidays, along with a new year, are peak times when people experience stress related mental health issues. Family get togethers, expectations, and the uncertainty to come all contribute to this anxiety.
How we handle stress, control our emotions, and think clearly to focus on the tasks at hand, all tie into our mental wellness.
Tahoe recently experienced our own stressful situation. With several of us asking, put a fence where?
The unbelievable answer coming back to us, on top of a 15 to 20-ft high berm!
A task that became more daunting with the requirements it be engineered and inspected.
Even though Tahoe has a track auger that fit on top of the berm, the size of the holes in relation to our machine had us questioning our sanity. However, using a boom mounted auger, and a concrete pump truck, Tahoe’s crews were able to make setting the berm fence a reality.
A big shout-out and thank you to Curtis & Sons Construction, and Interstate Concrete Pumping.
Pictured: 10-Ft High, Chain Link Fence Being Set with a Concrete Pump Truck in 2-Ft Wide x 6-Ft Deep Holes Reinforced with Rebar Cages on Top of Berm in Fallon (Churchill County.) 2025