It’s Only Fitting

It's Only Fitting
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, which originally started out as Decoration Day. It began as a way to remember and honor those that died fighting America's Civil War.
But people raised in the South will tell you there was nothing civil about brother fighting brother. Instead, they refer to it as the War Between the States.
Memorial Day has become a day we remember and celebrate all our fallen American soldiers. It's only fitting that we personally celebrate it visiting the graves of our departed family and friends, cleaning and then decorating their sites with flowers.
However you spend your weekend, Happy Memorial Day.
And thank you to those that served and their families for all their sacrifices.
Pictured: Tahoe installed Allegheny (Bufftech's rotationally-molded realistic stone) fence panels with hanging flower baskets and US flags in Mound House (Lyon County).It’s Only Fitting

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, which originally started out as Decoration Day. It began as a way to remember and honor those that died fighting America’s Civil War.

But people raised in the South will tell you there was nothing civil about brother fighting brother. Instead, they refer to it as the War Between the States.

Memorial Day has become a day we remember and celebrate all our fallen American soldiers. It’s only fitting that we personally celebrate it visiting the graves of our departed family and friends, cleaning and then decorating their sites with flowers.

However you spend your weekend, Happy Memorial Day.

And thank you to those that served and their families for all their sacrifices.

Pictured: Tahoe installed Allegheny (Bufftech’s rotationally-molded realistic stone) fence panels with hanging flower baskets and US flags in Mound House (Lyon County).